Christian Kaltepoth Приложения

Vitadroid 1.3.1
Android application for Vitalist, the popularweb-based Getting Thinks Done (GTD) software.Features:* Clearly arranged and detailed action list* Add/Edit/Delete actions* Quick add actions with your browser* Action list widget & TTS support* NEW: Custom foldersPlease note: I don't maintain this app any more. However, as faras I can tell, it still works fine.Support: @vitadroid
Bikekin Pro 1.0
Christian Kaltepoth
License for Bikekin Pro. Installing itwillunlock the Pro features of Bikekin.Pro version:* No more ads* Better performance by using an optimized Nextbike API
Bikekin 1.4.4
Christian Kaltepoth
Bikekin is an Android application for the bike rentalsystemNextbike. With Nextbike you can rent bikes at many placesinGermany (and abroad in some cases) for a low fee. The rentalisperformed using your phone and you can return the bike at anybikestation. Bikekin provides the following features: * Locatebikestations near you * Shows distance and direction to the station*Displays he number of bikes at the station * Rental and returnofbikes with the app * Quick rental using QR codes * IntegrateswithGoogle Maps and Navigation * Supports English, German andPolishNetxbike is also known as: * metropolradruhr * PotsdamRad*LEIHRADL Austria * BalticBike Latvia * NorisBike Inaddition,special regional offers exist in: Augsburg, Berlin,Bochum,Bottrop, Coburg, Dortmund, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Dresden,Erfurt,Essen, Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen, Hamburg, Hamm, Hannover,Herne,Leipzig, Magdeburg, Mülheim an der Ruhr, München, Nürnberg,Potsdamand other European cities. Important: Bikekin is NOT anofficialNextbike application. Forum: